DRP MAchine


DRP Machine is a small machining and fabrication shop in Salt Lake City, Utah. 

Here, I designed and made a robotic work cell, automating the production processes of a bespoke shovel multi-tool. My equipment and processes reduced blade production time from hours to minutes. Working at a small business required me to fulfill a multitude of tasks ordinarily split among many different people. By experiencing this spectrum of disciplines I expanded my engineering and communication skills while gaining business insight.

Roles and responsibilities

Product Designer

At DRP, I was given loose design concepts and expected to refine them into manufacturable products. It's often a daunting proposition, but I found it can be broken down into loose steps:

Rinse and repeat.

Maintaining product quality while minimizing production costs was the greatest set of challenges I faced on this project. High-quality standards, leading to supreme durability are the product's primary selling points; it was critical those attributes were maintained. Given DRPs machining capabilities, I turned to vertical integration and adjusted the shovel's design accordingly. All shovel components and their associated production tooling were designed and made in-house: Uniform quality is assured through every stage of development and production.

Early Prototyping


When the design for the shovel was finalized, I was tasked with developing a process to manufacture the shovel. 

The shovel handle assembly consisted entirely of cylindrical bodies with axial symmetry. The geometry of these components made efficient use of bar stock, and are machined with few operations.

The blade was much more challenging, its final geometry was ill-suited to any machining center (excluding 5+ axis grinding). The shovel has a profile easily cut and bent from sheet metal; however, it also required sharpening along complex, 3-dimensional curves. These motions are easily made by a human arm, and I figured they could be replicated by a 6-axis industrial robot the shop had available. This ancient robot, a Fanuc LR Mate 200iB, was designed in the early 90s, produced in the early 2000s (older than me!), sat in a corner unused. It was too small and old to effectively serve the CNC machining centers. A prime candidate to make shovels!

Mimicking the motions of a human arm proved to be very difficult. The robot was programmed entirely by teach pendant, and writing then transforming functions representing blade curvature was beyond my mathematical capabilities. Ultimately I opted for a more unconventional solution, developing a 3D-printed "programming tool". It is a fixture holding angle sensors and represents the curvature of the final ground shovel. The programming tool is brought to a point, adjusted to meet the correct angle reading, then the point and angles are recorded with their respective approach/retreat cases into the robot's memory. This method allowed the robot to be taught complex routines, using only a teach pendant, avoiding the expensive Fanuc ROBOGUIDE programming and simulation software.

Tooling Design

End effectors, otherwise known as End of Arm Tooling (EOAT), enable robots to manipulate objects within their reach. Tooling for the shovel work cell underwent several iterations before settling. One of the project goals was to utilize a one-and-done location of the shovel, saving several seconds per cycle. No repositioning in a dedicated alignment fixture.

Originally, the robot would sharpen the shovel after it had been bent and an attachment point welded on. Version 1.0 (Fig. 1) of the end effector used a suction cup at the back of an alignment sleeve. While cheap, simple, and capable of handling the thrust loads of grinding, nothing constrained the workpiece from rotating; this design didn't cut it.

Back to the drawing board!

Version 2.0 (Fig. 4) used a radial collet similar to those used in machine tools. A custom cylinder design was required to reach the clamping pressure needed while maintaining the robot's minimum work envelope. v2.0 held workpieces securely, but testing revealed that welding a pin onto the unground blade (necessary for this iteration to work) substantially increased misalignment error and couldn't precede grinding.

Back to the drawing board! (again)

EOAT v3.0 - Currently used

Enter v3.0, its collet design was refined from a radial to a linear configuration, now making two points of contact and interfacing with the bank directly. Unlike its predecessor, v3.0 used a commercially available pneumatics cylinder for its actuation significantly reducing development time. Central to the v3.0 clamping apparatus was a compliant four-bar mechanism. This was machined from a billet of A2 tool steel which was then heat-treated, increasing its elasticity and allowing it to deflect without undergoing plastic deformation.

Robot & CNC Technician

In addition to my work programming, designing, and fabricating anything associated with the robot project, I was also responsible for all the repairs, maintenance, and upgrades necessary for my equipment.

The robot was in good working condition when I started, but I made several small modifications and fixes to adapt it for new applications like installing a new pneumatics valve manifold.


Most of the components used in my automation equipment were made by me. Any feature I drafted in CAD, was a feature I needed to make. Executing the full process of CNC machining a part completely changed how I think as an engineer. Design For Manufacturability and Assembly (DFMA) is a nuanced topic requiring a lot of hands-on experience and failure to grasp. I also refined my technique for creating proper engineering prints. Both are critical skills for mechanical engineers.